JOHN GNOTEK EMAIL | 248-760-0270 | LinkedIn logo

John Gnotek
Hello, I’m John,
a designer based in Metro Detroit.

As a designer—product, UX, UI, interactive, or visual—I’m a creative problem-solver and innovative futurist. I maintain a fervent aspiration to synthesizing current, established media with emerging technologies—to produce a whole profusion of new interactive experiences: responsive, immersive, augmented, and other new interactive methods—to assist, direct, and engage users.

My specialty is making complexity
simply understood.

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Foreground Layer- Group 3
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WHAT: Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Software Design

GOALS: Design user flows and interface for an existing CRUD MVP. Conceive, design, and/or add new applications-in-application, enhancements, functions, and features. Create style guides, personas, design system, and a UX and UI roadmap for an entire platform.

ROLE: Senior User Experience Designer, UI Designer, Visual Designer

Job Element Monitor (JEM)- digital work instructions
Work Instruction Editor (WIE)- an application-in-application to create and edit digital work instructions
Andon- an application-in-application to create real-time KPI displays
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)- a real-time display showing this standard measure of output.
Manufacturing Integrated Platform (MIP)- an evolution from a collection of high-end functionality to a modern day manufacturing platform

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Big Idea Architect

WHAT: Patent and Trademark Software Interactions

GOALS: Clean up and maintain UI on two Silverlight applications. Research to convert to Web-based. Unify asset libraries of three products to one.

ROLE: Interaction Designer

The Big Idea Architect- an application-of-applications
MyIP- a blockchain-based, copyrighting & licensing app
AutoMate- Thomson Reuters car apps
ALERT- touch/voice-controlled alert car app for critical intellectual property notices

Floating Layer
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WHAT: Virtual Art Gallery & Interactive Engagements

GOALS: Build an online art community and virtual art gallery. Promote with virtual exhibits and physical, interactive art engagements. Exploration and experimentations into live Web TV shows.

ROLE: Creator, Curator, Designer, Developer, Host

The Gallery- an SEO-strong website with SEO-strong galleries for each of 35 artists.
Detroit Rock N' Fashion: A Virtual Art Exhibit a 25-minute, multimedia, virtual art exhibit of eight Gallery artists involved in Detroit rock and/or fashion.
Live Web TV Live Web TV shows with artists, live music, live audience, Web audience.

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Vision and conception
User experience design (UX)
Interactive design (IxD)
User interface design (UI)
Wireframes and flowcharting
Rapid prototyping
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Website design
Social media integration
Creative and art direction
Branding - business-to-business and business-to-consumer
Graphic design and typography principles
Color theory
Photo composition / retouching
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John Gnotek
249 Peninsula Lake Drive
Highland, MI 48357